Design SAP Calculations:  All new dwellings must meet minimum energy performance targets and show compliance with building regulations through SAP Calculations prior to commencing construction.

EBSNI Ltd provide calculations in accordance with the design specification and offer expertise on how to implement cost effective energy efficient measures within the dwelling before works commence.  We offer experienced guidance in relation to choice of materials, insulation, heating/hot water systems & controls, glazing, secondary heating, renewables etc to ensure energy efficiency targets are met or exceeded.

EBSNI Ltd offer on going advice throughout the construction process to ensure your dwelling complies when construction is complete.


AsBuilt SAP Calculations:  SAP Calculations are completed again at ‘As Built’ stage i.e. project completion.  These calculations are completed to account for any changes to the specification that may have occurred throughout the construction process to show the dwelling still complies with the current building regulations.

Our assessors will collect this information whilst on site completing the Airtightness test to allow the As Built SAP Calculations and Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) to be issued at the same time, thus ensuring a streamlined process.

An Energy Performance Certificate will be produced at this time also.